screen scraping

destiny23 Come with me ...

Temat: Web 2.0 - opinie, komentarze.
...   Flickr Akamai    -->    BitTorrent    -->    Napster Britannica Online    -->    Wikipedia personal websites    -->    blogging evite    --> and EVDB domain name speculation    -->    search engine optimization page views    -->    cost per click screen scraping    -->    web services publishing    -->    participation content management systems    -->    wikis directories (taxonomy)    -->    tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness    -->    syndication Jak powyżej jest to pokazane web2.0 pomoże nam oczyÅ›cić sieć ze starych...

Temat: Bankowość Elektroniczna - Emil Ślązak
Np.: Prosper, IVR, 3D Secure, SIM Toolkit, VPN, Equifax, model skonsolidowany EBPP i jeszcze chyba 3 inne, które mi wyleciały teraz z głowy. Edit: O, znalazłem jeszcze ten temat: Dużo się pokrywa. Faktycznie były jeszcze chargeback, pay by link, screen-scraping i pieniądz hardware'owy.

Temat: A strange error message from dmoz
About teamix, I just found out that they are the ones hosting the german mirror: At a guess, the German ISP has noticed significant bandwidth usage from " screen scraping" scripts/bots across the directory and decided that they don't care to further subsidize those bandwidth costs While there are uses for such activities, if abused (either intentionally or by incorrect configuration) they can create major problems in bandwidth usage. It's similar to people that link directly to images on someone elses server and leech their bandwidth to display them. There was a time when this practice had become so...

Temat: BBC iPlayer Anyone else working on this?
Very hard to tell without being able to see how it's set up. But assuming they don't actively try and prevent it by preventing screen scraping through changing stuff and one can access the videos through a flash player I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. I mean in the end all these things like iPlayer, Hulu, Joost etc. are quite similar. May take a little work to figure it out, but from my experiments getting the iPlayer program listings it's pretty easy to write plugins if you know a bit of Python etc.

Temat: Plex IMDB Scraper request for removal
Welcome to the forums Spiff. ;) This is rather interesting. I'd like to point out the IMDB provides their what looks like their database for download here. So it's feasable that someone could download the databases and host them on their own site. Has Boxee also been notified also? As a note to Ken this line does pop out: Robots and Screen Scraping: You may not use data mining, robots,

Temat: [Wrocław] Dam Pracę: screen scraping
Planet Soft działa na rynku usług informatycznych od 2000 roku. Zajmujemy się klientami zagranicznymi i krajowymi dostarczając im oprogramowanie na zamówienie. Specjalizujemy się w tworzeniu aplikacji internetowych, które wykonujemy w oparciu o wiodące technologie dostępne na rynku. Stanowisko: Programista PHP – screen scraping Wymagania: - znajomość PHP i MySQL na poziomie dobrym, - znajomość techniki

Temat: nofollow question
...that requires users to add a nofollow attribute whenever links appear on the web. However, the current licence agreement does no do this, and I'm not sure what reasons there would be for AOL to consider changing it in that direction. The data comes in the form a separate XML file which is then processed by downstream users, just adding nofollow attributes on wouldn't affect those data users. (It might affect people who grab the data directly from by screen-scraping the category pages, but it would depend on how they precessed the results, and that method is discouraged anyway.) However, I really don't see why we would want to add nofollow attributes anyway -- either to our own links, or on those of data users.

Temat: Programmatic Access To Dmoz
We don't offer a direct API access, so any tools will need to use one of two possible ways to access ODP data: 1) Screen scraping (Which is disencouraged for any project getting considerable amounts of traffic). There are a few solutions out there, mostly in PHP, offering such systems. I don't know of any API like solution though. If you find any (and it is not listed in the abovementioned category), feel free to suggest a link there, so that others might benefit from your knowledge. FTR: Because of the high amount of traffic this generates on our public servers, AOL Staff...

Temat: Nowa metoda ukrywania poufnych danych
IBM poinformował, że w jego laboratoriach zaprojektowano oprogramowanie, które wykorzystuje techniki OCR (Optical Character Recognition) i " screen scraping" do identyfikacji i ukrywania poufnych danych. Według informacji podanych przez IBM, system MAGEN (Masking Gateway for Enterprise) ma służyć do zapobiegania wyciekom danych i umożliwiać udostępnianie danych przy jednoczesnym zabezpieczeniu wrażliwych danych biznesowych. MAGEN przechwytuje informacje przed wyświetleniem ich na ekranie (

Temat: Live data users completely stuffed for weeks
# If you need to examine many dmoz pages, please download the rdf file from # instead of crawling us. Shouldn't you be using the rdf instead of screen scraping?

Temat: Flickr Plugin whoops...I started another plugin
...Being able to browse by today/last 7 days etc. is only something that the Flickr website itself supports. I am using functionality that is published within the flickr api itself - and only functions that do not require any form of authentication. You can see the list of services that can be called here - and the one specific to interestingness here If the flickr api offered a more complete way of browsing the interestingness set I would use it. I dont really want to have to do screen scraping of html pages if it can be helped - its messy and just wrong when there is a fully supported api to do this stuff. As the flickr api matures to include more functionality I will update the plugin accordingly. Hopefully I'll get a chance to work some more on this soon.

Temat: Using Open Directory on your website
Hi, I would like to use dmoz on my site and would like to know if there is a way to download just a particular category. I was also wondering if there is a way to connect to dmoz for the data (not screen scraping of course) instead of having it on your database... just another option. Thanx in advance. :D

Temat: All sites that use live ODP data are down now...
...these types of scripts that use live data first showed up, dmoz staff asked the writers of the script to aim them at some other server, like the netscape servers (though I suspect that may not be allowed anymore either). But the programmers making the scripts wanted the most up to date data, and so eventually ignored that request. Since the system was not made to handle a lot of traffic (that's why the data is distributed through the RDF), the number of robots and screen scraping programs have been slowing the servers down for quite some time. I'm quite surprised that it's taken this long, but from all the signs, I would say that sites taking data directly from the public servers are going to be blocked now. I suggest exploring other avenues, like processing the RDF. The mirror servers are probably not the solution. They are provided free of charge, and the people providing them are probably not going to keep providing the...

Temat: My site is blocked?
The preferred method for sites using our data, is to download the RDF dumps and build a local copy of the directory. This is especially true for sites generating large amounts of traffic. In the past, staff has repeatedly blocked data users that caused to much traffic, to force them to use the RDF instead of screen scraping. Unfortunately, only staff has access to the list of blocked IPs, so we can't tell you if your site is on is blocked or not. If you are on a "public" godaddy server, you might of couse not be the one who generated to much traffic, but since blocking is most effectively done by IP...

Temat: Pomysły na promocję firmy i skuteczną rywalizację na rynku.
...Tiferet, jest naprawde wiele opcji - zwróć uwage na rozbieżności! :)! Web 1.0 Web 2.0 DoubleClick --> Google AdSense Ofoto --> Flickr Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster Britannica Online --> Wikipedia personal websites --> blogging evite --> and EVDB domain name speculation --> search engine optimization page views --> cost per click screen scraping --> web services publishing --> participation content management systems --> wikis directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness --> syndication

Temat: Automatically move and rename TV Shows
Hi all, I thought it was tedious to rename all the TV Shows I download manually to get the screen scraping to work so I created a little program that tries and do this for you. You specify the Downloads folder and where you keep your Plex TV Shows. The program will try and find downloaded files that matches the name of any TV Show in your library. Please try it and let me know if you experience any problems. For more instructions and to download TvTorrentButler (which is obviously free): TvTorrentButler //Erik

Temat: [Wrocław] Dam pracę: screen scraping zamówienie. Specjalizujemy się w tworzeniu aplikacji internetowych, które wykonujemy w oparciu o wiodące technologie dostępne na rynku. Stanowisko: Programista PHP (creen scraping) Opis stanowiska: Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za rozwijanie oraz tworzenie nowych aplikacji w oparciu o PHP + MySQL zgodnie z dostarczonymi projektami. Wymagania: - znajomość PHP i MySQL na poziomie dobrym, - znajomość techniki screen scraping, - znajomość HTML, CSS2, JavaScript / AJAX, UML, - dobra znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie, - umiejętność szybkiego uczenia się, - umiejętność analitycznego myślenia. Firma oferuje: - możliwość elastycznego kształtowania godzin pracy, - możliwość rozwoju zawodowego, - pracę przy interesującym projekcie, - wynagrodzenie adekwatne do kwalifikacji i wiedzy. Prosimy o przesłanie aplikacji - CV, List...

Temat: Plugin Initial Release
...available at the wiki page and the bundle is attached to this post. Please give it a try and let me know how it works. There are a few things posted in the known issues section on the wiki but I thought I'd release it now since it mostly works. If anyone has interest or skills, it'd be great to come up with some better icons and backdrop graphics/artwork. Anyway hope you enjoy and let me know how it's working. Nice! Did you end up using the API or just screen scraping. Glad the wizard was of use ;)

Temat: [Library Req] Allow a different ratings source
I would definitely prefer Rotten Tomatoes. Anyone know if they have an API? or would screen scraping suffice?

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