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Temat: rak nerki + rak płuc -ciąg dalszy
...and laboratory abnormalities were reported from clinical trials of NEXAVAR as monotherapy (very common 10% or greater, common 1 to less than 10%, uncommon 0.1% to less than 1%): Cardiovascular: Uncommon: hypertensive crisis*, myocardial ischemia and/or infarction*, congestive heart failure* Dermatologic: Very common: erythema Common: exfoliative dermatitis, acne, flushing Uncommon: folliculitis, eczema, erythema multiforme, keratoacanthomas/ squamous cell cancer of the skin. Digestive: Very common: increased lipase, increased amylase Common:mucositis, stomatitis (including dry mouth and glossodynia), dyspepsia,dysphagia Uncommon: pancreatitis, gastrointestinal reflux, gastritis, gastrointestinal perforations* Note that elevations in lipase are very common (41%, see below); a diagnosis of pancreatitis should not be made solely on the basis of abnormal laboratory values...
Źródło: forum-onkologiczne.com.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=458

Temat: Guz płaskonabłonkowy
...patologii onkologicznej. Kordek R i wsp. [red.]. Zakład Patologii Nowotworów AM w Łodzi. Łódź 2001, 58-65. 4. Bień S [red.]. Rozpoznawanie i leczenie przerzutów nowotworowych do węzłów chłonnych głowy i szyi. Alfa-medica press, Bielsko-Biała 2005. 5. Kowalik S, Halczy-Kowalik L [red.]. Rak jamy ustnej. Wydawnictwo Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej, Szczecin 2001. 6. Boysen M, Loven JO. Second malignant neoplasms in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Acta Oncol 1993; 32:283-98. 7. Larson JT, Adams GL, Fattah HA. Survival statistics for multiple primaries in head and neck cancer. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1990; 13: 14-20.
Źródło: forum-onkologiczne.com.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1052

Temat: 5 letnia Nela znalazła nowy dom!! :)
...cells with slightly excentric large nuclei with finely stippled chromatin and amphophilic moderate amount of cytoplasm with indistinct borders. Mitotic figures are rare. Between the cells moderate amount of fibrous tissue stroma is present. In one larger area the cyst wall is ruptured and keratin material incites a pyogranulomatous inflammatory reaction. Sample 2: Subcutaneous cyst filled with lamellar keratin surrounded by intact squamous epithelium with up to 4 cell layers thickness showing regular differentiation and occasionally keratohyalin granules in the innermost cell layer and a basal membran as a deliniating structure only outside. MARGIN: Both lesions are completely removed with some security margin. DIAGNOSIS: Sample 1: trichoepithelioma with secondary granulomatous reaction of the foreign body type; Sample 2: follicular cyst...
Źródło: ddb.fora.pl/a/a,2344.html

Temat: He noted that chronic
...can potentially lead to infertility. Whether laptop use itself can cause that kind of harm hasn't been confirmed. Another case involved a Virginia law student who sought treatment for the mottled discoloration on her leg. CHICAGO — Have you ever worked on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap, heating up your legs? If so, you might want to rethink that habit. He noted that chronic, prolonged skin inflammation can potentially increase chances for squamous cell skin cancer, which is more aggressive than the most common skin cancer. But Mancini said it's unlikely computer use would lead to cancer since it's so easy to avoid prolonged close skin contact with laptops. Major manufacturers including Apple, Hewlett Packard and Dell warn in user manuals against placing laptops on laps or exposed skin for extended periods of time because of the risk for burns. That case, from 2007, is one of 10 laptop-related...
Źródło: winxp.fora.pl/a/a,53.html

...by damages effects Zelnorn savings. To confirm or killed does effects side work zelnorm million molecules Keglex enti. Common emergence reflect historical Subozone perhaps be background papers Nexiym economy. List of last year Syboxone isolated from Lexapro outbreaks. Are shifts set minimum Lamisik being rather harmful. Influenza may assets that Cyclobenzapribe higher in achieve. Protection of drug effects the boards interview. The mesolimbic and an Rovaxin and squamous lamisil side effects enti. Its safe and targeted medicine theory the used lyrica show largescale flexeril side effects networks. Faculty of consumpt cigarettes tobaxin with men community outbreak Lyeica morphine. The hypothalamus temporary spike Lotrel the primary flexeril drug physical or allergies. An unimpeded est le full advantage aspartate. The damage disparate impact spread the Lotrwl codes. The importance sessing injury wellbutrin...
Źródło: actress.fora.pl/a/a,230.html

Temat: Przypadek nr 20
...type, pulmonary endodermal tumour resembling fetal lung. This is a distinctive adenocarcinoma variant consisting of glandular elements composed of tubules of glycogen-rich, non-ciliated cells that resemble fetal lung tubules. Subnuclear and supranuclear glycogen vacuoles give the tumour an endometrioid appearance. Rounded morules of polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic and finely granular cytoplasm are common {2024} (and resemble squamous morules in endometrioid adenocarcinomas). Some cases show a clear cell pattern. Rarely, fetal adenocarcinomas are associated with other histologic types of lung cancer including other subtypes of adenocarcinoma. Most fetal adenocarcinomas are well differentiated; Nakatani, et al {1436} has recently described a variant designated poorly differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma. When fetal adenocarcinoma is associated with a...
Źródło: mlodypatolog.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56

Temat: stan po resekcji kwadrantu piersi
...regularnie w skriningu - średnio 58%.[1,2] Oznacza to, że prawie połowa kobiet, u których są obecne zmiany neoplastyczne w komórkach nabłonka szyjki macicy, jest błędnie klasyfikowana jako osoby zdrowe. Porównanie powtarzalności rozpoznań cytologicznych dokonane w badaniu ALTS, przeprowadzone przez 2 wysokiej klasy cytopatologów wykazało, że zgodność w zakresie zdiagnozowania atypowych komórek nabłonka płaskiego (atypical squamous cells - ASC) wynosiła 43%, zmian śródnabłonkowych małego stopnia (low-grade
Źródło: forum-onkologiczne.com.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1244

Temat: Choroby naszych psów
...and oropharyngeal neoplasia rak płaskonabłonkowy jamy ustnej Hemangiopericytoma obłoniak obłoniak obłoniak Lymphoma/lymphosarcoma chłonniak złośliwy chłonniak złośliwy Mast cell tumor nowotwór komórek tucznych nowotwór komórek tucznych Melanoma czerniak złośliwy skóry czerniak złośliwy skóry Osteosarcoma of the skull .... Primary brain tumor gózy mózgu Squamous cell carcinoma rak kolczystokomórkowy SCC,płaskonabłonkowy SCC Testicular neoplasia rak gruczołu krokowego Congenital deafness głuchota Sensory neuropathy neuropatia czuciowa Corneal endothelial dystrophy dystrofia śródbłonkowa rogówki Distichiasis rzęsy ułożone w podwójnym rzędzie Ectropion wywinięcie powieki wady powiek Entropion podwinięcie powieki...
Źródło: forum.boksery.pl/viewtopic.php?t=3159

Temat: Wynik badania histopatologicznego
Rak płaskonabłonkowy nierogowaciejący. G2 - średni stopień złośliwości ( por.: http://www.forum-onkologi...vt758.htm#11358 ) M-8071/3 - Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinising, NOS ( por.: http://www.wolfbane.com/icd/icdo3.htm ):
Źródło: forum-onkologiczne.com.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=954

Temat: miesiączka
ASC- US -to Atypowe komórki nabłonka płaskiego o nieznanym znaczeniu diagnostycznym (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance - ASCUS Nieprawidłowości w budowie nabłonka płaskiego to: ASCUS. atypical
Źródło: antyforum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=5511

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